Press Release, [23/07/2008]


Nice Capitalism

A New Book Traces the Secret Correlations of ‘Nice Brands’, ‘Nice Capitalism’ and ‘Happy Nations’

“Nice Capitalism”, the recent book by Costas Kataras, reveals the secret relationship of people and their psyche with brands, and uses brands as a kaleidoscope for the identification of emerging mega-trends in the metaglobalisation economy.

On the economic and business level, the book explains why a number of emerging forces or ‘known unknowns’ could have extreme and devastating effects on brands and will lead to the rise to a new species of brands, ‘Nice Brands’ and ‘Nice Capitalism’, two developments that clearly are interrelated, as the book explains, and usually lead to happier people and more ‘Happy Nations’, particularly in Europe.

On the human level, describes how the individual in search of a true meaning in life and in pursuit of happiness, is shifting away from a materialistic culture imposed externally by the brands’ pseudo-authority, is even taking control of brands and, finally, is moving towards greater human autonomy, thus marking the end of consumers’ permissiveness and the fall of Psycho- Persuaders.

Data driven analysis is showing that brands today, contrary to what is widely believed, are forced both off the market and the minds and harts of people – first in the “rich countries”- in our interconnected world, that is characterised by the exponentially accelerating pace of change in Technology, Complexity and Society. The book provides new thinking with the latest findings from such diverse cognitive domains such as: mathematics, games theory, physics, complexity, chaos, statistics, artificial intelligence, psychology, psychoanalysis, neurology and others.

‘Nice Capitalism- A Secret Journey to the Death of the Arrogant Brand’ , although presents a kind of a “dangerous idea” in the networked, metaglabolization era- one with serious consequences for the economic, corporate, marketing , advertising world , and finally, the individual and society- in fact is a book of hope and comfort for a better future for people and the society.

To order a copy: Amazon . More, including full book contents, sample chapters and other useful info at: and


About the Author

Costas Kataras ( ) founded his own consulting firm Strategic International in 1984, after working in the advertising agency business in Athens, Brussels and London, and also in the media / publishing business.

Over the past 30 years he has advised many global corporations (i.e. APPLE, IBM, HEWLETT-PACKARD, SIEMENS, PFIZER, and UNILEVER), International Organizations (i.e. EUROPEAN COMMISSION, NATO), Governments and NGO’s in many different countries.

Costas since 2007 is concentrating his efforts on book writing, speaking, lecturing and consultation. Served as an advisor / expert to the European Commission (Brussels / Luxembourg) on issues related with: Communications / PR / Information Dissemination, Research / S&T and Economic & Regional Development. He has a first Degree in Psychology and also a Diploma from the British Institute of Marketing, and he is a member of the CAM Foundation (UK).
Costas was a founding member of two major pan-European networks, DIALOGUE / (1986, Brussels) and AXION (1990, Brussels), and also   founder of the S.E.E. Digital World Forum.

He lives between Athens, Brussels and London.

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